Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Hello All,

OK so now you all know that blogging is really not my thing, I find it very easy to put it on the back burner but today I realized you have not heard anything about Behm Blueberry Farm since the harvest so let me give you all a brief update.

This has been a great fall for blueberries, lots of rain and slowly falling tempatures has been very good. The farm is all pruned up and looks great, Howard and Ramon continue to walk the fields to see what else they can do but everything really looks great. The buds are looking very good for next season so we shall see what the spring brings. As soon as we get some good snow Howard and men will burn the brush piles to have that done before spring.

We hope this finds you and your family well and that you are blessed with a very wonderful New Year.

Sharon Behm

Friday, June 24, 2011

On The Cover of a Magazine!

As most of you know Sharon manages Borrs Shoes in downtown Grand Haven. This has lead to her being very involved in the Grand Haven Main Street DDA. She is currently on the Board of Directors and a part of the promotions committee. All this being said a few weeks ago she was asked to represent Grand Haven during a news segment with Fox 17. While she was waiting for her interview, she began talking with the lady who put it all together named Kelly Gates. Sharon found out that Kelly is a freelance writer, and one of the publications she writes for is the “Country Folks Grower News”. She was very interested in hearing all about Behm Blueberry Farms and our low chemical approach to growing and asked if she could interview Howard for a future article. Well of course the answer was yes and she and Howard got together. The next step is for her to take a picture of Howard, Sharon and the farm for the COVER, can you believe that! We will keep you updated as to when the article will run.

Berry Good Blessing to You!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Bluecrop Is Blooming!

Each week we have the opportunity to check out the MSU Extension News for Agriculture page.  We are very blessed to have Carlos Garcia-Salazar as our extension agent for our area.  Carlos has a true heart for all growers and works very hard to keep us updated in the blueberry industry.  This week he is updating us on the bloom of the various varieties of blueberries.  The Bluecrop (my personal favorite) is now in full bloom.  We are about 1 to 2 weeks behind normal but still doing well.  Some fields import bees for pollination however we do not.  We have found that blueberries are self pollinating and if we do a foliar spray of phosphors this will enhance the smell of the blossoms and this naturally invites the bees into our field.  When you drive up to the field and get out of your vehicle you can smell the blossoms in the air there is nothing like it if you ask me.

Until next time have a Berry Nice Day.

Very Berry News!

Thank you for visiting The Very Berry News.  We hope that you enjoy your time on our blog and the information that we share.

Let us begin by saying that once again we are learning to never say never.  Quite some time ago we said that we would never become bloggers and well here we are and we are even excited.

Our plan in for future posts are to share some recipes, keep you updated as to what is happening on the farm pre, during and post harvest and from time to time we will share items of interest regarding health benefits of blueberries or possibly new products that are blueberry related that we can recommend to you.

Feel free to let us know what you think and please let us know if there is something of interest to you that we can research and write about.

Have a “Berry Nice Day”

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Bluecrop is In Full Bloom!

Each week we have the opportunity to check out the MSU Extension News for Agriculture page.  We are very blessed to have Carlos Garcia-Salazar as our extension agent for our area.  Carlos has a true heart for all growers and works very hard to keep us updated in the blueberry industry.  This week he is updating us on the bloom of the various varieties of blueberries.  The Bluecrop (my personal favorite) is now in full bloom.  We are about 1 to 2 weeks behind normal but still doing well.  Some fields import bees for pollination however we do not.  We have found that blueberries are self pollinating and if we do a foliar spray of phosphors this will enhance the smell of the blossoms and this naturally invites the bees into our field.  When you drive up to the field and get out of your vehicle you can smell the blossoms in the air there is nothing like it if you ask me.

Until next time have a Berry Nice Day.

Behm Blueberry Farms Web Site New & Improved!

Thank you for visiting The Very Berry News.  We hope that you enjoy your time on our blog and the information that we share.

Let us begin by saying that once again we are learning to never say never.  Quite some time ago we said that we would never become bloggers and well here we are and we are even excited.

Our plan in for future posts are to share some recipes, keep you updated as to what is happening on the farm pre, during and post harvest and from time to time we will share items of interest regarding health benefits of blueberries or possibly new products that are blueberry related that we can recommend to you.

Feel free to let us know what you think and please let us know if there is something of interest to you that we can research and write about.

Have a “Berry Nice Day”